Medical Negligence

Holding Medical Professionals Accountable: Fighting for Fair Compensation for Victims of Negligence

What is medical negligence?

A medical negligence claims arise when the negligent treatment or omission of medical practitioners such as doctors or nurses, leads to a person suffering harm as a result thereof.

A medical practitioner is considered to be negligent when the treatment they provide deviates from what is reasonably expected of a medical practitioner in those circumstances, and the harm it has caused was preventable. The outcome of the patient’s condition must be causally linked to the negligent actions of the medical practitioner.

Who can I claim from?

A medical negligence claim is instituted against the medical practitioner and/or medical institution who provided the negligent treatment or failed to provide the necessary treatment.

What can I claim?

If you are personally harmed by a medical practitioner and/or medical institution you could potentially claim the following:

If the negligent treatment has resulted in the death of a breadwinner the dependants will have a claim for loss of support. The dependants will be able to potentially claim the following:

don’t wait any longer

Let Us Help You

We are here to provide personalized legal advice and support, and to help you seek justice for your medical negligence or personal injury claim.